PROGRAMS HELD AT YOUR FIRM: Virtually or in person [45 minutes]
Ms. Clark has created a popular series of educational marketing programs designed to be done virtually by Zoom or in-person at a lawyer, practice group, or all firm lunch or breakfast. Lawyers will leave with education on some basic marketing skills and the fundamentals of how to get started.
What Personal Injury Firms are Doing in 2020 to Grow Their Practices
How to network effectively
How to deliver outstanding client service that translates into more business
Marketing Boot Camp 101
LinkedIn: The ethics of it and how to use it in your practice (PACLE 1 hr. Ethics credit may be obtained.)
How to get referrals
Getting work from a speech or trade show participation
Marketing strategies for women attorneys
How to do a client interview to get more business
Staff’s role in marketing the firm (for staff)
How to make a name for yourself
Associates and Marketing: How to get started